

2. Reduce the injection rate as much as possible, reduce the specific pressure as much as possible, and reduce the impact of abrasive tools.

In the production of aluminum die-casting, the high and low precision machining of the injection rate does not affect the filling rate of the aluminum die-casting and the injection rate of the injection port. In addition, the injection rate is high, and the maximum impact value will also increase. Therefore, the injection rate is high, the injection speed of the injection port is faster, the flushing of the abrasive tool will be aggravated, the maximum impact value will increase, the impact force of the abrasive tool will also increase, and the service life of the abrasive tool will be greatly reduced. Therefore, when we adjust the casting process, under the condition of ensuring product quality, it is very important to reduce the injection rate as much as possible, aiming at improving the service life of the abrasive tool and improving the economic benefits of the aluminum die-casting company. At this stage, excellent aluminum die-casting machines are equipped with injection brake pedal equipment, which is very beneficial to reduce the maximum impact value, reduce the impact force borne by the abrasive tool, and improve the service life of the abrasive tool.

The injection specific pressure in the casting process is also a key main parameter. The injection specific pressure is generally 400-900KG/cubic centimeter according to the quality requirements of the casting and its characteristics. If it exceeds 900KG/cubic centimeter, it generally has little effect on the internal quality of castings. However, if the injection ratio is too high, not only the expansion force of the abrasive tool will increase, but also the expansion force will exceed the clamping force of the CNC lathe, resulting in aluminum channeling. In addition, if the expanding force of the grinding laser tool mold is large, it will also damage the grinding tool or reduce the service life of the grinding tool. Therefore, in the production of aluminum die-casting, in addition to switching the core injection rate, we should pay more attention to the injection specific pressure, because the injection specific pressure is not as easy to observe as the injection rate, and is usually ignored. In fact, the injection ratio is a key parameter in the manufacturing process of cast mechanical seals, which not only harms the quality of castings, but also the service life of abrasive tools. This is especially a concern for aluminum die casting companies.


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