

1. Heat and cold fatigue properties

During the whole process of the work of some abrasive tools, the plastic machinery and equipment are continuously heated and the hardware products are cooled, which makes the surface of the die under tension and the working pressure changes to the ground stress, causing the surface to crack and fall off and expand the sliding friction. , block the plastic deformation, reduce the specification precision, and then cause the abrasive tool to be invalid. Hot and cold fatigue is one of the key ways of ineffectiveness of hot work abrasives. To help this kind of precision machinery manufacturing parts in Dongguan City, it should have high heat resistance and cold fatigue characteristics.

2. Strong ductility

In the work of Dongguan precision machinery manufacturing parts, most of the standards are very precise hardware processing extremes, and some often bear a large impact load, resulting in brittle fracture. In order to avoid sudden brittle fracture of mold parts during the work of hardware equipment, the abrasive tool must have high compressive strength and ductility.

The key to the ductility of the abrasive tool is the carbon content, grain size and structure of the raw material.


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